Wednesday, 11 May 2016

The Wii U is over but I still love it

With the NX being announced I was thinking about the Wii U and it’s legacy, I know a lot of people will deem it a failure of a console and in many ways it was advertising wise. However I noticed online so many news outlets, forums and even people I know are just so against Nintendo as of late. I feel this is generally due to the Wii U and its poor reception. I never wanted this console to be my main source of gaming entertainment and to be honest I picked it up on a whim when it was super cheap at a store that was going into administration but this console has honestly become one of the most fun consoles I’ve ever owned and has only ever presented positive experiences to me. 

Originally I really did not care for this console or the 3DS, I was so off put with Nintendo but I remember looking up a number of games for the 3DS and DS that I had missed and instantly buying the 3DS so I could catch up. This got me back in to the Nintendo mood but I was still not about to buy a Wii U. The only thing that made me want to get the console at first was Bayonetta 2 being an exclusive, as the first one was one of my favourite games. Only when a shop in the UK went into administration and they were selling their stock super cheap did I actually pick the console up.

     One of my favourite things about this console is the Virtual Console which allows you to buy older Nintendo games and emulate them on the console, now this is not anything new as it was also something you could do on the previous console as well as the DS and 3DS. The reason I enjoy it on this console is because you can use the game pad as a portable NES/SNES (within reason), I love playing games like Mario World on the toilet (Don't Judge me) or just sitting in bed with the headphones in while I play Kirbys adventure in dream land or some shit. 
I     I have to admit I love reading peoples experiences with the games on the Miiverse, mostly because it's dumb young kids who have never played a game before the ps3 era and have no idea what the fuck they are doing at any point so they just ask the most obvious questions, but there are those who generally just wanna share something cool they did, I feel like if it were the same system on any other home console it'd be full of people just being mean for the sake of anonymity.

     That actually leads me to my next point, the Miiverse, which is pretty much a semi social media esq application on the console (and was later added to 3DS) in which you can post screenshots from your game, comment on them, give tips and also see what your friends have been playing or doing in their games. I know it's a Nintendo console but this always seems to be the nicest and least toxic place to discuss games, I've never met a shitty person on there, everyone seems to be so pleasant and just wanting to have a good time, unfortunately I don't really use it much as the update kinda messed with a few things and made it more difficult to see what your friends are up to.

     At first I was not too fond of the idea of the Game pad and generally thought it was some Ipad gimmicky shit, but once I sat down with it it truly made for some unique gameplay opportunities. The second I tried it with the launch title Nintendoland and saw the functionality with it in terms of multiplayer where you as the game pad user could become a ghost and see everything but those on the main screen couldn't see you I knew the game pad was going to be a blast. 

      I mean a lot of games don't really put their focus into the game pad and they don't really need to as it just works well as a minimap or an inventory screen like in Zelda but a lot of games really used it to their advantage, a recent game that did this for me was Starfox Zero, the main screen was your standard Starfox view but the game pad was your cockpit view and if you tilt the game pad in any way it will move the target in that direction. 

      Although there is the option to use the gamepad most games will just allow you to use your Wiimote or even a Pro controller which looks a lot like an Xbox 360 controller, there really is something for anyone with this console. My favourite thing they ever did was allow an adaptor to let you use your old Gamecube controller for Super Smash Bros , my only gripe with this being you couldn't use it for any other games or even for the emulated Wii as I used to play most Wii games on the GC controller, I hope it's not too late to patch something like this in? 

I    I want to talk a little about why I feel this console failed overall, there are a lot of reasons for it for sure but I think the main reason is because Nintendo got cocky. The Wii was a surprise hit not just with those who played games but more so with those who really didn't care either way, I know older people who still play fucking Wii sports, there are so many games for this console that cater towards those who don't really play games much, I'd say this is true also for the original DS with Brain training and such.

     Now of course if you've got one of the most popular consoles in recent memory you're probably thinking 'well it will be easy to get people on board once we create a new one', I would have thought the same to be honest and I think that's why they chose the name Wii U, because it's like a continuation of that console. However I think this is the main reason the initial lack of attention this console got because  of the demographic for it, being kids or parents of kids who were none the wiser a lot of them thought this console was just an optional add on for the original Wii, who could blame them though honestly?

     It really did not do much to differentiate itself from the Wii and I know a lot of parents bought Wii U games for their kids thinking they would work on the Wii which just caused further problems which they really could not be bothered with at that point.

I     I think Nintendo do get stuck in a rut and maybe they believed 'if it aint broke don't fix it' with their IPs but I feel like lately there has been a large lacking in the creation of new IPs. The only stand out title I can think of in this respect is Splatoon. Now it was great to see Nintendo put their focus in an online multiplayer game for once but personally this game was not for me, I just did not connect to it overall, it was fun but nothing got me back into it after launch, I've only played it a handful of times at most but after writing this I feel I should give it another chance.

Splatoon was a step in the right direction for sure but they really need to focus more on some entirely new games if they want to keep evolving with the times. This almost goes hand in hand with another issue the console faced after its initial launch and that was the lack of third party exclusives and towards the end third party games in general.

At launch we had titles like ZombiU which while not anything amazing they were something just for Wii U owners, however with the decline of the console many developers either cancelled their third party games entirely or put them on indefinite hold. I think the most annoying thing is that ZombiU was the eventual port to other consoles to make a quick buck recently, I find this really shitty as the whole point in this title was the gamepad functionality, to not have that and just make it a generic zombie game really makes me wonder what the point was in the port.

I    I think my overall favourite title on the console has to be Super Mario Maker, this game just hits every note with me, it has the simplistic gameplay of core Mario titles, the Online interactivity of a game from this console generation and above all else allows me to just create and share whatever I want. I've not felt that way since games like Zoo Tycoon and Sim City which I used to play for hours on end on the family computer. To be able to create and share in a game is a wonderful thing and provides so much longevity to a title.

I find it strange that fans really want a new F-zero and other older titles yet Nintendo just doesn't make one because they feel there is not really anywhere for the series to go, I mean that's fine but a lot of their current series are only slightly different from their predecessors. The new Star Fox is almost a total remake of 64 for one thing so at this point remake the original F-zero, it'd make something for new fans at least. I mean I'd quite like a new F-zero at this point with online play and customisation, they should know there are a group of people who want it because of the game that came out recently named Fast Racing Neo, sort it the fuck out Nintendo.

     With that said though I feel Nintendo still maintain a good relationship with their customers, they know their games never go cheaper so after a few years they re-release them for like £20.00. They start to listen to their customers and allow some more niche titles to make their way over to the West like Shin Megami Tensei IV and Project Zero. They finally made a multiplayer focused shooter with Splatoon and they decided to go forward with DLC and in some cases make things from scratch such as the DLC characters for Super Smash Bros. I think these sort of things are what keeps me happy with the company and the latter is what made the Wii U a much more positive experience overall.

      Not only do they have a good relationship with their customers but I feel like they third party developers that decided to stick around also had a lot of opportunities to release some great games. Platinum Games were probably the best example of this, they were already set to make big waves with Bayonetta 2 which they naturally did, it was the reason I got the console and it did not disappoint in any way. However I feel Hideki Kamiyas Wonderful 101 was simply amazing.
     Imagine Viewtiful Joe mixed with Pikmin and you've pretty much got 101, the game is just goofy as hell, tight gameplay and a great Super Sentai inspired setting with giant robots thrown into the mix later on. I seriously hope we get a sequel to it some time but I feel it really relied on the gamepad so if the NX doesn't have that it'd have to be a 3DS game I think.

Their latest games, Star Fox Zero and Star Fox Guard are also pretty good but they are a departure from the Platinum Games style I'm familiar with and as mentioned earlier Zero is pretty much a Remake of 64. But having Nintendo let them handle one of their first party IPs just goes to show the trust between the two and that their relationship will only continue strongly over time.

It kinda bummed me out there was not much in the way of interactivity between the 3DS and the Wii U, I mean the only example I can think of is being able to transfer Miis and then later in both consoles lives having the ability to have a joint account for both consoles. I know that eventually some games had the cross play function so that if you owned it on both consoles you could transfer your saves, but there was no ability to buy a game and having copies for both consoles included.

I feel like this should be mandatory so you can play on the go and shit, I think it would be such a good idea for virtual console games too, it's amazing to me that the 3DS only just got SNES titles, I'd totally buy some if I could use my saves from the Wii U... If the Playstation Vita/3/4 can do this easily it should not be so hard for Nintendo to do the same.
I have a lot of hope for the NX at this point because I feel like Nintendo can learn from their mistakes in a lot of areas and produce something that a wider audience will again enjoy. I feel as though there will no doubt be some kind of gimmick but I think there will still be the ability to at least use a Wii Mote as so many people still have them. Id like to think the Wii U won't be forgotten and the NX will allow the use of the gamepad and backwards compatibility, if not It's not the end of the world as I still use my Wii U as a Wii also anyway.

I feel like they seriously need to consider cross buying and saving as so many people play their 3DS, they need to make a lot more online based games which they've had success with recently in Mario Kart, Splatoon and Smash Bros. More than anything though they need to market this thing well, their strategy of Nintendo Directs are really popular but if they want the sort of audience the Wii had they will need to make sure they do enough to reach those sort of people. Nintendo have always made consoles for 'anyone', the Wii U was no exception it was just poorly thought out.

To me the console did not fail, it was a fun experience that I don’t regret in anyway and I will continue to use the console for years to come for games like Super Smash Bros and also all the virtual console games I have amassed providing they don’t have the option to transfer any of these to the NX.

Overall this console is underrated and really could have had a much fuller life but sadly we're reaching its twilight but this in no way means the console is not worth your time. This console has a large amount of great games and I know I've had a of fun with it, yes it could have been a lot more in a lot of ways but I'm happy with my purchase. As I said before this console would never be my main source of games, I own pretty much all the consoles and I have a lot to play because of that but every time I have gone back to the Wii U I have had a lot of fun.

I have fun with a lot of games but I can honestly say the older I get the harder it is for me to be not only focused or find time for games but  consistently enjoy my time with them, with Nintendo games they have always been a pick up and play thing for me because you can drop in at any time and not have to play many levels before you can put it down and leave it for a few hours or even days. Perhaps that is only true for me but I think it helps in my enjoyment.

I've never found their games too difficult they are just a fun experience with a really charming nature, the majority of my favourite games this console generation have been from the Wii U, they are the ultimate stress tool for me they combat it so well and I'm glad really chill games like that still exist, you don't need something with a complex story or complex gameplay to have fun these days and I think that it something I think a lot of developers need to remember nowadays.

I enjoy more complex games like Dark Souls and the like but you can't forget the simple almost age old ways of Nintendo IPs. I've just gone back to Mario Galaxy and it just makes me feel this sense of wonder I've not felt in a long time, Nintendo just know how to give you a good time where the stakes aint super high and you're just here to have fun and enjoy the time you have, I greatly appreciate the love and care they put in to their titles especially as I get older and sadly have less and less time for my favourite hobby.

I hope you enjoyed this somewhat, if you did let me know at @ScatmanBegins on Twitter. This blog almost got deleted for a phishing scam the other day somehow and i got mad at blogger support, I mean I mostly write for myself but I'm glad other can find some enjoyment in it! Any encouragement would be great!