Friday 10 July 2015

Dragonball Super (2015) : Episode One, How's it looking so far?

This week It was kind of a given that I'd take a look at the first episode of the new Anime Dragonball Super and how it's looking so far as well as what I hope to see as the series progresses. Now I don't plan to review every episode but maybe some key points every now and then, for now though I want to discuss what this show is, what I think of the planned storyline and how I feel this episode stands as a new beginning but also as a sort of continued epilogue to Z.

The series was first announced on the 28th of April 2015, just over a month before the airing of the first episode and was the first animated TV series in 18 years. The series characters and general plot were developed by Akira Toriyama much like Battle of Gods and Revival of F. What's interesting about this series is the setting itself, described by Toriyama as following “…the aftermath of Goku’s fierce battle with Majin Buu, as he attempts to maintain earth’s fragile peace” the series will actually continue on after this going up to BoG, in-between the two movies and after Revival of F where it is said to explore one of the alternate universes described by Beerus in the former movie.

While I'm happy with this I'm most excited about this other universe storyline as it's something totally new where we really have no idea what awaits other than the two new characters revealed who I assume act as the Beerus and Whis of that universe, Champa and his as of yet unnamed attendant. With this new universe we have a great opportunity to see some new character designs and world building but also some amazing fight scenes if the two films are anything to go by.

What's great about this is the way Japan planned Super to air directly after the last episode of Dragonball Kai so it literally feels like a continuation to those watching weekly in Japan even if it does go back in time slightly from the last episode of Z.

I feel like the creation of this series is the culmination of the Dragonball 'renaissance' that began back in 2008 with the Shonen Jump Special and just intensified with everything that came since, the OVAS, the Jaco Manga, the games like Xenoverse and Heroes and of course arguably the most popular and important factors, the last two movies. It really feels like Dragonball never really went away due to its world wide popularity with multiple generations.

When the first episode came out I was understandably super (ha!) excited but I wondered how they would deal with having to focus on the small amount of time after Buu but before Beerus, I did not think there was much they could actually do between those points that would involve the typical Z style fights or training. What we got was more akin to something only seen in the filler episodes of Z we got a look at how the characters are dealing with this time of peace and honestly that was great to see.

In Z it always seemed like there was no real 'down time' for the characters outside of the odd filler episode like when they were waiting for the Cell Games to begin. But here we see that Goku is now a radish farmer in order to support his family but yearns to train, Gohan is finally becoming a scholar and is engaged to Videl and from the looks of the next episode Vegeta is more of a family man albeit a grumpy one.

The plot of this episode was nothing major, it revolved mostly around Trunks and Goten looking for a wedding present for Videl while having sub-plots around the worlds reaction to Mr Satans defeat of Buu and showing Beerus during an undisclosed time as he destroys planets. The episode was definitely more comedy orientated akin to early Dragonball or BoG and felt more like the infamous driving school episode in that respect.

As a starting point to the series I thought this worked really well, it did not really make itself accessible for new viewers in my opinion but I think if you're watching this show you've got to be familiar with at least Z.  The first scenes we're shown are actually taken from the battle with Kid Buu in Kai, I'm not going to lie I'm actually disappointed that they decided not to reanimate this flashback but I can totally see why they did this as they already had it animated, I guess in some respects for many this would actually fuel their nostalgia.

I like that Goku is wise enough to know that although they are in a time of peace he has too keep up with his training and continue to get stronger, he is well aware at this point that he is the saviour of Earth and it is usually down to him to defeat the threat, although he seems fine with this because of his love to fight It shows how other cast members who used to have such potential like Gohan have understood this and in some respects given up on being a saviour, they still fight but they focus more on their own lives.

This actually points some of the characters, specifically Gohan in the direction he heads in GT, becoming a scholar and father first rather than stay like his Buu Saga self. Oddly Gohan even looks like he does in GT at this point, yet a few years later he will look and dress like a younger version of himself. Although I feel like Gohan is becoming more and more of a background character as time goes on I can't help but enjoy any scene with him and Videl in, I just like those two being together and wonder if they'll include their wedding in the show itself like at the end of the Dragonball Anime with Goku and Chichi.

Honestly It's nice to see Goku act more like a Father to Goten, of course he was never there for the first few years of his life due to being dead but now that they are in this time of peace it's great to see them hang out together, It was a nice touch to have Goku say he was proud of Goten. The next episode may even have Vegeta and Trunks moments like this which would also be a nice touch, especially after Vegeta finally understood how important his family is to him.

If the Opening and Ending of the show is anything to go by then hopefully we will be seeing more of characters like Yamcha and Tien like in Revival of F, Id love for this to happen it would just be nice to see them included again even if it's just brief scenes of them taking out weaker enemies.

I think capitalising on Beerus' popularity really helped this episode, I don't think it would have been as good as it was if not for his scenes, it was fantastic just to get a brief glimpse of what his job actually is and how he may carry out the destruction of worlds and funnily enough it's a lot like the film, Beerus just wants to have a great meal and barters with the planet that if it's good enough he won't destroy it. Hilariously he decides the meal was worth saving exactly half the planet for and he splits the planet exactly in half.

Finally I think Roshi's brief scene at the end of the episode absolutely stole the show, it encapsulated everything I love about Toriyamas comedic style. Just to have Roshi seemingly appear out of nowhere somehow knowing that Goku has come into a lot of money and screaming that they should buy some Porn with it was extremely early Dragonball and really solidifies Toriyamas involvement with the series.

Outside of the plot of the episode I'm really happy with both the Opening and Ending, I feel like both songs are quite catchy, while I don't feel they are on the level of the Z openings I feel like they still fit quite well. I love that Jaco is included in the opening itself as I loved reading his Manga and it shows how Toriyama really wants him to be a bigger part of the series itself, I'm excited so see him show up at some point within the show.

I really enjoyed the imagery in the ending more than anything as it shows a silhouette of Goku as a child as he walks through a background image of key locations from both DB and Z. This is quite similar to the 2008 Specials ending which I was also a really big fan off, it just shows how much not only Goku has been through and how far he has come but also the how far the series has come too. It shows that this series was not forgotten and will not be for a long time.

In terms of the shows animation quality it seems to be exactly what I would expect from any new Anime, which is pretty good while obviously having certain scenes where maybe a character is not as detailed as they were before. I think it's easy to forget that this isnt the big budget piece the last two movies are and there will be these examples of 'quality' every now and then. Generally though this does'nt bother me and I feel like the animation is great.

It seems like the animation team are already putting in Toriyamas 'Toribot' imagery in certain places like on the bills of money which is great to see early on as it's a sort of trademark Toriyama likes to do within his work. To see this happening so early on suggests to me that this really is a Toriyama backed series and like the two new movies, is going to be something special. They also seem to be using a few minor familiar characters again like Mr Satans students from the filler of the Cell Games Saga showing up while he is being interviewed for saving the world.

Generally I prefer to watch Dragonball in English although I don't mind the Japanese version, but I prefer the Japanese music more, at least for the original show over Z. So far with Super however I've  got to say I didn't find the music anything special yet, but that could change over time. There is so much room for things to either improve or change over time so it's difficult to comment on certain
areas right now.

Overall I feel like this episode was a great starting point to the series. I'm really excited to see where this series goes, especially with the exploration of Universe 6 as it kind of reminds me of the fan Manga Dragonball Multiverse (which isn't that bad) in some ways, although I hope it steers clear of the evil version of characters shit as well as AF like character designs. I hope we see many more comedic segments like in this episode too and if the teaser for the next episode is anything to go by then we're in for a hilarious ride!

Let me know what you thought of the first episode and where you think the series is heading!