Wednesday, 7 September 2016


This week I wanted to briefly talk about the latest Pacman game, Pacman 256 and why I’ve been really enjoying it. This game started as a free to play mobile game for phones and tablets which was based around the infamous glitch in the original game in which if a player reached level 256 the game would give you an unplayable and unfinished level which was half taken up by numbers and letters, your aim in this game is to continue on an endless level as the glitch from level 256 chases you.  I found myself quite addicted to this game but only really bought it because it was on sale at something like £3.50 in the Retro sale on PSN so I just wanted to share a quick few thoughts

I first played Pacman on the Sega Megadrive (Genesis) with the TENGEN game Pacmania, which I think was the first ‘3D’ Pacman game when it was originally released in arcades, it was literally the same as the original other than the way it looked really. It was the only Pacman game I’ve ever actually owned and I really enjoyed it as a child but I could never really get very far so I guess in a way this game brings back just a little of that nostalgia and childlike wonder. Speaking of Pacmania, 256 features A number of cosmetic skins for the layout and characters, one of which is Pacmania so I think that’s what’s helped to fuel this nostalgia.

I don’t play mobile games really, well not on my phone at least. But from what I have seen mobile games based on existing properties are generally not great as they are sometimes too simplified and/or detract from the established game play the original is known for, for example the new Katamari game which is more of a endless runner game than your typical Katamari title. And with this title You can totally see this was designed as a mobile game above all else but that doesn’t make it a bad game to me, Pacman is a really simple concept and I’ve found this game to be a really refreshing take on it, to make it an endless runner game of its own but in the same almost maze like structure of your typical Pacman game is quite clever really.

The game play is not too different from what you already know other than it has some added feature such as and endlessly generated maze to travel through, a few new ghosts with new abilities and a few power ups that you unlock as you progress through the game by earning coins. The coin aspect is the main point in that you earn more the more you play by picking them up in the maze and you use these to purchase more abilities, after completing challenges you have the opportunity to then earn a bonus amount of coins which can also upgrade said abilities. There really is not much more to it than that, obviously there is the inclusion of Trophies on the PS4 version which does make me more inclined to play it but nothing else really.

I like that you can have up to three abilities ‘equipped’ at one time, which means they are the ones you will see the most as drops in the level as you progress, you can interchange these before any level and mix and match them to your desire and with the coins you earn you can upgrade them, upgrading them however will give them two things, a longer time frame of use and if used will enable you to get more points from a non upgraded version.

I upgraded a laser beam that last for about 45 seconds and just brought death and destruction to a hell of a lot of ghosts, when you get further in this can make the game play really hectic but I enjoy that as it actually makes you feel like you're doing better and facing bigger 'threats' as you progress.

I think with mobile games getting more and more popular this is certainly the way to go, spinoffs can be fine if they have enough care put into them but actually taking something that pre-exists and putting a spin on that same game play that is better suited to a mobile device is something I will happily support and applaud, I'm happy with this on my console but had I known about it prior maybe I would have picked it up already on my phone.

If I had to pick something out that I disliked about the game it’d be that the whole being chased by a glitch thing never feels like a real threat, I certainly have not noticed it every going faster as I progress, I’ve been caught by it while evading ghosts but I’ve never been caught because it’s so fast or difficult to evade, but again if it were any faster some could consider it unfair with all the ghosts to avoid. I absolutely see why it was there though from a ‘plot’ point of view and a game play point of view, if it weren’t there then you would be less inclined to move forward.

I was kind of bummed out the multiplayer aspect was confined to only local play, I certainly would play more if you could drop in online and help people and if you die you're just gone from their game but they can continue on without you, that'd be pretty cool and perhaps something to add to a sequel if they ever make one.

Honestly if you see this game on sale at any time and just want a quick game you can drop into for a few minutes at a time (unless you get addicted like me) then this is worth your time, I think you could easily play this on a tablet or phone and still have the same amount of fun as I did and it’s generally better suited for the on the go person on their commutes and such, which begs the question (and I know I go on about the Vita) why has it not been put on the Vita or 3DS, from what I can see there are no plans to but it might be worth a shot… but then if it’s already a mobile game is there a point?