Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Guest Blog: Liam Gardner - Uncharted 4

The release of Uncharted 4 earlier this year was met with a lot of fanfare and for obvious reasons, the trio of Uncharted games the preceded A Thieves End are some of the best games from the previous generation. The question is does the 4th instalment of the franchise have enough gas left in the tank to whisk players through another whirlwind Nathan Drake adventure.

The intro to A Thieves End is most reminiscent of the one for Among Thieves ,no dilly dallying ,no long narrative intro, straight into the chaos with no idea why you are there or who is trying to kill you for the umpteenth time and it is during this opening sequence, a boat chase among a rainstorm with waves crashing everywhere, where the game first surprised me I had full control of where to take the boat and who to crash into and this freedom is something that Uncharted 4 does well in its gameplay sections and I’ll touch on that later, usually the Uncharted games are very stringent in what they allow you to do during vehicular sections, the car chase through the jungle in Drakes Fortune, the hopping between trucks in an icy Tundra in Among Thieves but this boat chase, right at the very beginning of the game sets the precedent for what Uncharted 4 is at its core.

However it’s after this adrenaline filled intro that the (as of Uncharted 3) obligatory ‘Kid Drake’ section kicks in, now I’m not knocking naughty dog for trying to fill us in on Drake’s backstory and what his youth years were like it’s just I never found them all too intriguing, they limit what you can do they bring the whole game to a halt just as its getting started, I understand the need to introduce Sam as a character but barring a few select moments I found the majority of these flashback sequences dull and unentertaining.

Let’s talk mechanics, Uncharted never had the best shooting mechanics and this is one area that has been universally improved in A Thieves End, the shooting feels tight, the guns feel impactful and the dynamite is so good it makes me cry, I didn’t like how they changed the Sniper Rifle weapon though as it no longer allows you to aim without zooming in and running and gunning with the Dragon Sniper in 2 was some of the best thrills you could get but overall the overhaul of the shooting mechanics make Uncharted 4 all around a better game to play.

The rope swinging is one mechanic I saw and was very excited for how Naughty dog would implement it, would they relegate it to a few select ‘cinematic’ moments or will we be free to utilise this tool to our own enjoyment and possible peril, while it is not used too much in each battle there are, I feel, enough places for it to shine during combat away from the scripted uses (and swinging on a rope while firing an RPG is fantastic when done right).

The set pieces in A Thieves end are spectacular, the rope is utilised in these rather well, whether its playing cat and mouse with the most stubborn APC in existence or sliding along the mud desperately trying to hold on the excitement is ever present, the puzzle sections too are back and while not extremely difficult (they rarely are in Uncharted) there is a sense of satisfaction when solving the mystery and continuing on.

The characters and their motivations in this game range from pretty darn good to downright annoying, on one side of the coin you have the man Victor ‘God damn’ Sullivan and Sully is the highlight of this adventure for sure his wisecracking nonchalant bravado is on point whenever he is on screen and seeing him never fails to conjure up a wry smile and a laugh.
The same can be said for Drake most of the time, even when you’re watching him at work in his day job or discussing the future with Elaina at their home he never falls flat part of this is due to the writing but I must give credit to Nolan North I feel he is very at home as Drake and after 4 games feels very natural in the role. Drake’s conflict in the game is the struggle between the swashbuckling adventure lifestyle and the slow, but safer, family lifestyle with Elaina Drake is very much a man in a midlife crisis who wants to feel that rush one more time but doesn’t wish to jeopardise what he has with Elaina. 

Drake’s brother Sam is the lynchpin in all of this, after an event in their life earlier Drake thought he would never see his brother again but surprise here he is in the dead of night requiring your assistance and this of course being the perfect reason for a globetrotting journey for Drake and Co, Sam himself is not a bad character by any means but like another select individual he feels forced, like the developers were trying extra hard to get us to like him, now it is understandable for the developers to want us to connect with Sam however unlike Sully, who has now 3 games of build-up, Sam never comes across as natural, he feels less like an important character you should care about and more like a convenient plot device to get Drake back out adventuring( plus he insinuates Sully is not trustworthy, not getting any points there Sam).

Now I mentioned when discussing Sam that there was another character whose inclusion just left me confused and that is Nadine, this character is a literal black hole of personality her entire reason for being in the game is ‘me strong me hurt Drake’ never are her intentions really delved into and never is she fleshed out, Nadine is very reminiscent of Talbot from Uncharted 3 except Talbot never had mandatory fights where you were restricted in your movements. I understand the need to have a counter to the cowardly head villain and the developers tried this with Nadine being the strong stoic mercenary who takes no shit but it falls flat because I didn’t feel like I was getting beaten by Nadine because she was better than me but rather because the game intentionally gimped me, and her story never even concludes as she just says forget this and leaves before the climactic boss fight, Nadine represents a whole lot of floundered potential as she could have a great and credible thread but any semblance of this is hard to see and she is so under developed on a whole its tragic.

In previous Uncharted games the treasure always had some sort of ‘hidden effect’ that the villains were trying to obtain for any number of nefarious means or a curse which should be left well alone, but in Uncharted 4 the treasure is just that it’s treasure. With a story centred on long dead pirates and their migration and subsequent creation of a Piratopia that there was no curse or supernatural aspect behind it all honestly made me sigh. Uncharted 1 had the cursed statue, 2 had the fruit amber which provided super strength and also had blue Smurf demons? 3 had flaming head zombies and cursed water A Thieves End has pirate treasure normally no one would describe hidden pirate treasure as boring but in the light of previous Uncharted games it sadly is. 

Some might argue the crux of Uncharted 4’s story is about the greed of man and the settling of scores because Henry Avery’s treasure is the big score that got away but that all seem too blasé for Drake and co, the closest we get to supernatural is exploding pirate corpses and it feels like Naughty dog sacrificed a huge part of what made the franchise unique and replaced it with a more down to earth realistic plot point which isn’t bad per se but for Uncharted? It’s certainly disappointing.

Now all these negative points does make it seem like I did not enjoy my time with A Thieves End which isn’t true I enjoyed the hell out of this game, the freedom it gives you in the gameplay, the trademark Uncharted dialogue. The adventure on show is certainly one of the best in the series, but the final boss is a way better example of a ‘cinematic’ boss fight than the one in Uncharted 3, a few characters and the final chapters aside Uncharted 4 is a fantastic title that I recommend anyone play even if it is a little more grounded in its reality.

If you wanna contact Liam or follow him online you can find him @Giji777!

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

The failed Vita and why I like it.

After talking about the Wii U a few weeks ago and how I still enjoy it even if it is deemed a failure I felt I should talk a bit about the Playstation Vita and how many would deem this handheld to also be a ‘failure’especially when comparing it to Nintendos 3DS and mobile gaming. I really enjoy the Vita and a lot of the games made for the console but I can absolutely agree that Sony again dropped the ball with their handheld system in the West.  I don’t believe the console is in any way a bad console for what it does or the games it has on it but I do feel Sony have not learnt from any mistakes of the past and brushed the Vita away as if it is the unwanted member of the Playstation family.

I feel to a point the PSP was a way more popular console, it certainly had longer Western support by Sony compared to the Vita. I did own a PSP and used to play it quite regularly but the only reason for this is because I modded the console with the help of a friend (and honestly who didn’t mod their PSP?). I mainly played Japanese Gundam games and PS1 games if I’m honest, I cannot remember a specific Western game I truly enjoyed on the console however I will say there were a few fantastic titles on the system that I used to play a lot that were Japanese Developed such as Tekken 5 DR which I would say is the best numbered titles to this day and the Shin Budokai Dragonball games. So there were elements to the PSP I enjoyed but I doubt I would have without the modding capabilities that plagued Sony and the console.

The reason I bought a Vita though is not because of my enjoyment of its predecessor but because I’d signed up for Playstation Plus and kept getting free games for it that would stack up, at the time when I first got PS+ the Vita games it provided me with were actually titles I was interested in playing such as Gravity Rush, Uncharted and Dragons Crown as well as a few indie titles. I thought if I keep getting decent titles like this I may as well pick up the console and just never buy any games for it so I bought the original model new with Tearaway (another great  game) included and for about a year I generally did not buy anything for the console.

Over time with the sales popping up I have been buying Vita games and I did buy a few physical imported Gundam games so I certainly do have a library built up albeit a small physical one so in no way do I leave my Vita to gather dust the way I eventually would my PSP. I feel the Cross save function for games like The Binding of Issac have really played a big part in this also, it’s such a wonderful feature and allowed me to continue my games on flights abroad, I can’t fault it.

Much like the Wii U I find myself getting annoyed that a lot of Vita exclusives have moved to other formats like IOS or Steam, I think it’s great that it will allow others to actually be aware and experience certain titles as some certainly deserve to be played but It kind of takes away some of the reason to ever play the console, I’m certainly torn on this.

I Felt some games used touch features for the sake of it, I think one of the biggest culprits of this is Uncharted: Golden Abyss. I have only played the game for about an hour and it’s nothing special but the tutorial would stop you every now and then saying things like ‘If you want to jump and climb touch the front screen’ when you could literally just press X and have it done automatically like in any other game, why mess about with touch features for something like this. I have no issue with touch features like rubbing the screen to uncover something or to zoom in and out but if you’re using it just for the sake of it because it’s on a console that uses the features then I’d rather you not bother, be creative with it for goodness sake.

The Vita actually got me in to a lot of Visual Novels which is a genre I really did not think I would ever care about, usually I cannot be bothered to be reading constantly when I’m playing a game but thanks to a sale and the DanganRonpa series I was hooked on the storyline and have now played every released game in the series, the great thing about these games is that they make sure they do something I feel any handheld should do and allow you to save at almost any point so you truly can play on the go even if the game is text heavy. I certainly would not want to be on the move with a game like this and be unable to save after reading a whole bunch of plot.

I will say I find the console comfortable to hold and never really find any issues with the button layout, I think I may find issues with the smaller slim version however, I love the interface of the system itself it’s really simple to find anything you need and the store is just as simple to navigate, I will say It does annoy me that some Apps on there cannot be deleted such as the calendar and the recently shut down ‘near’ service (think streetpass but shit)

As much as I enjoy the console I have never actually used the remote play feature which allows streaming of PS4 content to the Vita, this is because I’ve never had the need to, all of my consoles are in my own room and I never felt the need to go elsewhere in the house to play them, if I did I would just move the console I do think this is a cool feature for those who need it however!

I thought the Playstation TV was an alright idea in theory as it was a Vita console without a screen or buttons you could hook up you your TV. I mean if you wanted Vita games but did not want the Vita and wanted to play them at home it’s certainly an option for you but half the games were not even compatible due to Touch screen features so if you did own one you had to be quite selective, either way it was discontinued in the West last year which really does not surprise me…

People like to say the console is a ‘Weeb machine’ because most of the support was from Japan and at this point pretty much all the support is from Japan, I can see why they would say this because it’s generally true. All the games are either Niche titles or JRPGS with a few Indie games sprinkled in, I have no problem with this as I have found plenty of titles I’ve enjoyed, however the reason it’s this way is because Sony again don’t know how to push a handheld in Western markets, the support is there from Japan but not everyone is a fan of typically Japanese games.

The Vita started off well with games geared more towards a Western audience like ports of PS2 classics, Uncharted and Tearaway but soon after it just sort of dried up, I don’t ever remember there being much advertisement for the console either and most people were already disappointed with their dust collecting PSPs at that point to see a clear reason why this one would be any different other than touch screen features. Perhaps the necessity for a  handheld aimed more towards ‘gamers’ rather than kids is not really there, I certainly feel a bit odd bringing out a handheld on the train or in public even though that’s primarily the whole point of them and I’m sure others do too.

I think one of the reasons it sold so poorly in general though is the ridiculous price of memory cards. I believe my console game with a 15gb card and due to the amount of games I would get from PS+ I would constantly have to delete titles and redownload them when I actually wanted to play them again rather than just having a full library available to me whenever I wanted.

This was an issue somewhat with the PSP also but at least with the PSP the memory cards were a fairly decent and reasonable price that also did not have to be Sony specific and could be any sort of Sandisk card as long as it was the right physical size to fit, of course there was the chance for corrupted data from cheap cards but the option was there.

With the Vita though there is not this option, you HAVE to buy a memory card specifically made for the Vita, this tiny little thing that holds your games has to be from them. That’s not so bad right? Wrong! Because Sony never cheapen the price for these cards, If I wanted the biggest card I could find which was 64GB it would set me back almost £70 plus postage as god knows there Is no Vita merch in any game store I’m aware of in the UK.

I actually did bite the bullet and buy this memory card recently because I was just sick of constantly trying to make room for the games I would be getting,  It was annoying to have to pay this price but I felt with the lack of the support for the console in the West they may just stop making these cards soon and then to buy one new would be even more expensive. I’m glad I did buy it because I can just play whatever the hell I want now without the worry but eventually I’m sure I will fill this up too! I sure as hell won’t buy anymore cards!

I really like physical media rather than purely digital although I have got a number of digital titles on all my consoles due to services like 'Games with Gold' and such I really would prefer it to be physical, now in the case of the Vita I only own a few physical games by choice however there are a few games that I’m happy actually get a release in the US and EU such as the new Gundam Vs game which came out this month but there was just no option to own it physically which kind of bummed me out, I understand it is a very niche game but I’d love there to have at least been a very limited run of physical cases for them, I just love to see them all displayed on my shelf.

Some companies do actually do this and that’s really cool it’s like developers know there is this really small but vocal fanbase in the west for the Vita and they appreciate them as much as we do them, it’s almost like the Vita is this little club of people sometimes from what I read online and I have no issue with it, I know people who have bought one and literally only have ps1 games on it because they want to play them on the way to work, I know people who just buy exclusives and I know people who just play imports  or Indie games . There are all these different kinds of people playing who are so vocal and happy the console exists and that’s kind of endearing.

As much as I like Sony I feel it is crucial they learn from their mistakes in the West with this sort of thing especially with VR coming up, I am quite excited about VR and will likely by the PSVR at some point however I am hesitant as I don’t want it to just be a fad first of all and I don’t want Sony to slowly drop supporting it altogether as they have the Vita. Perhaps as VR is attached to a home console this will not be the case but I cannot shake the feeling.

I think it would be best if Sony do not make any more Handheld consoles and if they do they better make sure they learn from it, I think they can certainly release mobile games even if I am not one to play games on a phone or tablet but they certainly do not need to focus on making another handheld, I think the Vita will be fine for the duration of the PS4s lifetime but I feel all developers will move on after that which is totally understandable, I think I’ll continue with it for ps1 games on the go if anything at that point but who is to say what’s going to happen in a few years time I suppose.

Overall I still continue to enjoy the Vita and feel I will for some time as PS+ continues to provide me with some fun titles and sales generally always bring me something new to play, I think it’s a shame that the Vita has been reduced to this by its own companies lack of support amongst other issues but I think if you’re on the fence about it and perhaps want to try a few titles then by all means see if you can find a used console or one quite cheap but be aware of the issues like memory cards and multiple exclusives eventually being ported either to the PS4 or Steam, it’s certainly no necessity to own this console as a Sony fan but it’s left an impression on me.