Sunday 14 February 2016

Your experiences with Video Games: Josh Brown

This week I'm back with another interview, this time from my friend Josh. I've known Josh for around 4 or 5 years now but we only really became friends in our second year of university, I can't even remember how really but I know we used to talk about video games a lot with Liam and a few other people, much to the frustration of our friend Jess.

Although we were always talking about Videogames we've never actually played online with each other, other than our go to games Smash Bros and Mario Kart. We all get super competitive around it and find Josh's admiration for Rosalina to be sickening...

Myself and Liam never really kept in contact with anyone from university, more so because it was in our home town and the people we sometimes spoke to have since moved back to their own home towns etc, but I think the reason we keep in contact with Josh almost daily in our group chats and meet up often because he's like the only one from Uni who got our sense of humour and had the same interests as us.

I've been looking forward to interviewing him because, like Liam he is one of my closest friends and he got me in to a lot of series like Samurai Warriors, I'm really interested to see his answers and hear about his experiences as I hope you are too!

What were your first experiences with video games?
Hard to say, as I believe I started playing games when I was 3 years old. My first memory, which was more spurred on by the fact that I saw a photo of it when I was in my teenage years, was me in my older brother's room playing Super Mario 64 and wearing a jumper with Mario on it. Some other ancient memories include playing Cannon Fodder with my Dad and also Command and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn.

When do you feel you got in to video games as a hobby?
I'd say when I got a bit more independent and was liking things for myself more than what my brother would play, so around 6 maybe? Although I'd always still want what my brother had...

What are some of your favourite games and why?
So many to choose from!
·         One of them would have to be World of Warcraft - In my opinion this is one of the best games ever to be made, whether that is pure fanboyism or truth, or the fact that Blizzard managed to turn a niche thing into something that began to spread everywhere, it's hard to say. All I can say is that I've spent countless, so many hours (and so much money, which was worth it, and actually cheap compared to constantly buying new releases) on this game that it has to be one of my favourites. I've played it on my own, with friends and family, I've played it a year at a time, to sometimes only one day in a year. On and off for over a decade this game has provided me with entertainment, and really that is the whole point of a video game, so I think it's safe to say its done a good job. Also, it strikes the nostalgia chord within me and a lot of others hard.
·         The big 3D Mario Games (Super Mario 64, Sunshine and Galaxy 1 and 2) - I find these games to be almost perfect in every way. Gameplay, length, music/sound, narrative, art/graphics and replayability. Anyone can play and enjoy these. Another nostalgia factor too.
·         Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus - This game is purely fantastic. Has one of the most unique gaming experiences and worlds I've ever seen. The soundtrack is fantastic, aswell as the atmosphere. I can always replay this game, it will never get old.
·         Dark Souls/Dark Souls II, Bloodborne and probably soon to be Dark Souls III - These games will still have to stand the test of time unlike the others just mentioned. They are very different and often challenging games, which is the main appeal for me. The atmosphere is almost always top notch, which really helps to separate these games from others. Whether they will start to fade away and become mediocre its hard to say, but the fact that Dark Souls itself is starting to almost become a genre (as cringey as some journalists can be about it) shows that it has had an impact on the gaming community.
I could go on and on but I'm just going to name some titles now that have had a massive impact on me and I would consider favourites:
·         Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
·         Dawn of War (Plus expansions)
·         Diablo II
·         Command and Conquer Series (Mostly up to and including Generals - Thanks, EA)
·         Stronghold
·         Advance Wars Series (And more recently the Fire Emblem Series)
·         Half-Life 2 (and Episode Two)
And so many more...

What game has the best soundtrack to you and why, do you feel music is important in a game?
This blurs with my favourite games, but World of Warcraft. Its a fully orchestrated soundtrack that can instantly bring pictures in your mind of whatever area you were in when it plays, and that is a powerful thing.
Music is very important to a game, it can make mediocre games memorable as it gives you a sensory memory effectively. Video games are mostly visual, hence video, but when you get a perfect audio response, it makes the game so much more worthwhile. Immersion is a big thing that music helps with.

Most vivid video game memory?
Again, World of Warcraft.
I used to play Runescape, and one day my brother (who was at University at the time) messages me on AIM (I know, right?) telling me, 'Just wait until you see what game I've been playing' and sends me a screenshot of his Night Elf Rogue in a dusty, barren area in the game aptly called 'Desolace'
Upon his return from University, he gets me started with the free trial, and thus the memory commences. Playing my Dwarven Hunter in the Dwarf starting area, the snow-capped mountains of 'Dun Morogh.' The sense of wonder and awe is too great and I wish I could experience it again.

What are you playing currently?
XCOM 2 - This game is kicking my ass, making me feel like the worst Commander in existence as I watch my friends that I created in-game die and die again due to my stupid mistakes and the wrath of RNGesus. Aside from some performance issues, the game is pretty good.

What is the most obscure game or rarest game you own?
Probably Shogo: Mobile Armor Division for PC. I can't even find the disc but I know I have it. Younger me would have never known how heavily influenced by Japanese mecha this game was, but I just liked guns and these mechs had guns. I never finished it and probably never will.

What about video game memorabilia?
I've tended to mostly stay away from collecting video game memorabilia, mainly because I just played the games and shyed away from being seen as a 'nerd' too much (silly I know). Only recently have I started to collect some things, but they're quite tame, such as Nintendo's Amiibo or the Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain collector's edition arm, and it kind of makes me want to get more. This newfound, yet small, love for this probably stems from Lewis, so thanks, I guess.

Are you as in to video games as you once were?
Yes, possibly even more, but the passion is directed towards being part of the community of gaming and keeping involved with everything rather than younger me just playing games and doing nothing else. I do put less hours into most games now, but that is just due to adulthood.

As you switch between consoles and PC often is there one you prefer of the two?
I go through phases. For a recent example, late 2014-late 2015 I was pretty much PS4 only, yet now I've just built a brand new gaming PC and my focus is there. I've only ever been adamantly on one side, and that was on PC back around 2006-ish. I don't care now as each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses. Most of my gaming has been on PC and Nintendo platforms though.
If I absolutely had to pick one over the others, and that choice would lock me out of all the rest, I would choose PC. The longevity and flexibility of PC is something that can't be ignored, it has the most games and often blurs into the other platforms (i.e - cross-platform games and emulation) It would break my heart though as then I would never have Nintendo games again.
And that's why I will play on every platform if I have the opportunity/desire. :)

Favourite game you never beat?
Quite a recent one - Divinity: Original Sin.
The game is fantastic, a really solid combat system with a wacky world. I played about 40-50 hours of it and then just stopped. With the Enhanced Edition out, I have no excuse. I will go back and play through it again, it deserves it.

Physical or digital?
Depends on the platform:
·         Home consoles (PS4, XB1, Wii U) - Mostly physical, and some digital.
·         Mobile consoles (3DS, Vita) - Mostly digital, and some physical.
·         PC - Digital.

Was there ever a genre or series of games you were adamant you would not get in to but ended up enjoying?
Hard to pinpoint and exact genre/series, but I would say more Japanese games, the ones that are less mainstream. Since getting a bit more into some anime/manga (as in literally one or two) I've become more relaxed around the more niche games that Japan provides.

What was the best co-op or online experience you had?
Online - World of Warcraft - no doubt about that.
Co-op - Probably the Gears of War trilogy - played them all through with my brother, which really highlighted the 'Brothers-in-arms' feelings the game gave

If you were to have kids would you want them to be in to video games and what would you have them start with?
Try and look past how sappy this is, but I'd be happy and encourage them in whatever hobby they liked.
If I would have them start with anything though, it would be Mario.

Do you feel you'll always be playing games in some form?
Probably, whatever you do when you were young stays with you in some way or form. Video games will easily, as they are technology, which will always being changing and evolving.

What's a game series you feel is under appreciated?
The Warriors/Musou games (Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors and the like).
Although Koei Tecmo literally poops them out like Activison does with Call of Duty, and Ubisoft with Assassin's Creed, and the DLC they have is ridiculous, they have done it for so long that there is a base standard of quality they always maintain. They are great to just play and play, they are full of content, and there are so many areas of culture that they can encompass - Dynasty/Samurai for historical periods, Hyrule/One Piece for other game series' and anime/manga series - so you may just find one that resonates with you.
For me it is Samurai Warriors. Less known than the juggernaut of its sister, Dynasty Warriors, it is a game I really enjoy. The soundtrack is very good, and the period of history is intriguing. Since the first title, it has become more wacky and anime-ish, but is just fun for me. Maybe others won't understand, but I've sunk over 250 hours into Samurai Warriors 4/4-II  and got the platinum trophy for both.

What is the best Anime related video game you've played?
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3/Tenkaichi 3 - without a doubt in my mind these two games are probably the most fun games to ever be made for the Dragon Ball Universe.

Is there an anime series you feel would work as a game that hasnt already been made?
I haven't watched much anime, but one that I have, and an idea that gets thrown around sometimes by people in the community is a Kill la Kill video game. It would be perfect as a hack-and-slash game, akin to Platinum Games and their titles.

Has there ever been a spin off of a series you've enjoyed more than the original series?
Samurai Warriors - I've always preferred it to Dynasty Warriors. Although nowadays it's less of a spin-off. (And I can't think of any other examples at the moment!)

What series are you connected with the most?
The Warcraft Universe. Love the lore and its been with me half of my life.
I'll probably go check out the film too, doesn't look half bad.

What series have you always had an interest in but not had a chance to get in to?
Final Fantasy - I've only really played a bit of Final Fantasy X, and some of Final Fantasy XIV.
With XV coming out and the renewed interest in VII I should get to it!

Are there any areas or stories you wish were explored more in games?
·         Areas:
Space - More Space is always good.
The Mind - Psychonauts did this to a certain extent, was very interesting.
·         Stories:
Tragedy - I really like stories that are just despair and hopelessness. If you've got a story that really shows there are no heroes and potentially no happy endings, it can really make you think about the characters.

What game are you most excited for in 2016?
I'll be cheeky and name the top three:
1.       Fire Emblem: Fates - I'll be buying the special edition (hopefully) with all three sections as I've recently started to love the Fire Emblem franchise.
2.       Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Deus Ex: Human Revolution was fantastic, and the cyberpunk genre is fantastic.
3.       Dark Souls III - Just read above really.

How do you feel about video games currently?
I'd say at the moment we're having a mini video game renaissance. There are tonnes of new games every quarter, old titles that people thought were dead are getting sequels, games are getting ports so they can be played by more people, companies are starting to listen to feedback (Square Enix, to name one) and the console war has all but evaporated, with companies focussing on their own things.
There are a few negatives that must be addressed though. There are two main things that spring to mind instantly:
1.       Broken games - Games not working on PC, terrible console performance, etc. These aren't just normal bugs and glitches but a reoccurring problem of companies taking the 'Let's see if we can just get them to buy from the hype and not notice the issues. If they do, we'll just patch it later!' approach.
2.     Over-sensitivity to certain content in games - I'm mainly talking about certain groups of people and journalists that want to thrust their opinion onto the world that a game is 'too sexualised,' or, 'too white.' Stop trying to censor and change everything you don't like, there is a reason people have different tastes. You wouldn't go into a book store and start yelling about raunchy romance novels and how they are damaging society, would you?
Apart from that, it's going fairly well. Let's just see what happens.

Where do you feel video games will go in the future?
I feel they'll mostly stay the same as they are now, accepted by society but not massively popular aside from the standard big titles that the mass public are used to.
VR will try to make its way onto the scene, and I really hope it does, as I am very intrigued to see what can come of it, but it may just fail.
All in all, I'll keep playing games until I decide they aren't worth my time anymore, but that doesn't look like that will happen for a while.

Thats it for this week, I think this was super interesting and I discovered a few things about Josh I actually didn't know before, Josh doesnt have twitter or anything but if you wanna find him I'm sure he's starting another Rosalina thread on 4chan.... 


Friday 22 January 2016

Your experiences with Video Games: Ant Dahl

This week I'm back with another interview about experiences with video games!, I'm really happy with how this is going so far and have been pleased with the amount of people who wish to be involved. One of the first to ask to be included was Ant Dahl who is one of the hosts of one of my favourite podcasts The Fortuna Podcast. I think I first started speaking to Ant shortly after letting him know that I enjoyed the podcast that he and Marshall put together and from there we discovered we were both in to the same sort of things as well as big fans of flannel shirts.

Shortly after Ant and Marshall were kind enough to invite me on their podcast which I really enjoyed even if it does require me to be up pretty late/early. I've been on since which you can check out here!
I actually got the opportunity to meet them both when I went to California to attend Gamedays 2015 in Anaheim and we had a blast even if we didn't get to hang out for as long as I'd hoped it was just nice to meet someone you admire and shoot the shit a bit. 

Ant and Marshall both speak in depth about video games amongst other things on their podcast so I'm really pleased to be talking to one of the Yankee-doodle double threat this week and I hope you enjoy the interview!

What were your first experiences with video games?
Some of my first experiences with video games came from playing games with my Dad as a kid. It's odd really because I remember having both a Nintendo and a Super Nintendo at that age, but my memories come from the times I played games like Donkey Kong Country with my Dad. We used to sink a lot of time playing the Super Mario Bros All Star Pack for Super Nintendo as well. But I also have these memories of playing this weird coloring game for the NES, where you colored pictures of Dinosaurs. It was terrible but I used to spend so much time with it. I have a bunch of memories that I can’t place in the right spots.

When do you feel you got in to video games as a hobby?
You know, I'm not entirely sure. It probably stems from getting Pokemon Red and Blue for the Gameboy. So this was somewhere around 1998 I believe. I had never been so sucked into a video game at that point in my life. As an 8 year old I was constantly trying to figure how to finish things quicker than normal so I could soak more time into them. I started waking up for school an hour earlier so I could get ready and have an extra hour to try and catch a Pidgey or some bullshit. 

I played the playstation 2 all throughout Middle School (6th- 8th grade in the states). I fell out of video games throughout high school until I got a Wii my senior year specifically for Smash Bros Brawl. But other than that, I probably didn't start looking at games as a hobby until I got the Xbox 360 when I graduated high school. But Pokemon was definitely the jumping off point for me. 

What are some of your favourite games and why?
Two of my favourites really stand out to me because of their cinematic qualities. I absolutely love film and if a game has a cinematic quality, I can easily be drawn into it.

I'm a huge fan of the Metal Gear Solid series. Those games are brought up in every day discussions with me. They're just so dense with information and things to question that if I have a moment to talk to somebody about metal gear in depth, then I'm stoked. I think my favorite out of the series is Snake Eater. That was really the peak of the story for me, I think about the writing and the story constantly and how genius it was. Especially since it was a PS2 game.

The original Bioshock was one of the most immersive experiences I've ever had with a video game. I had never felt like I was so apart of a world before. There was so much to explore and the way it unfolded stories of characters that weren’t central to the plot really struck a chord for me. It helped that it incorporated a lot of horror elements into the game. I'm such a sucker for horror games even though I'm easily scared.

Another important favorite of mine is Pokemon Red and Blue. I got them as a gift from my grandmother very shortly before she passed away and they have always been some of the most sentimental games to me. Like I said earlier, I changed my life to revolve around those games and now whenever a new instalment comes out, I take the day off just to play it. When Pokemon X and Y came out, I put 12 hours into it on the day it came out.

Just to name a few other favorites Donkey Kong Country, Super Smash Bros, Red Dead Redemption, Hotline Miami, A Link Between Worlds, Bloodborne, and Mega Man X. I think some favorites that will surprise some people are Tony Hawks Undergound 2, and Parappa The Rapper. This by far was the most difficult question, because my favorites change so often. 

What game has the best soundtrack to you and why, do you feel music is important in a game? 
Hotline Miami had a soundtrack for a video game that changed the way I look at video game soundtracks. The Phantom Pain has an incredible collection of music in the game. The Tony Hawk series has always had a great soundtrack. Except the most recent one that one was shit in every way.

Most vivid video game memory?
I was in first grade when this happened. My dad once called a Necky in Donkey Kong Country a “fucking prick” and I asked him what that meant and his response was “that thing”. So I went to catholic school the next day and called some kid that annoyed me a “prick” and got in a ton of trouble over it. My dad and I still laugh about to this day.

What are you playing currently?
I generally try to play one game at a time because I absolutely hate starting a game and never finishing it. I kind of look at it like not finishing a movie or not finishing a book. Once I start something I have to finish it. But I'm in between semesters right now so I'm playing way too many games. 

I'm mostly focusing on Dark Souls II: Scholars of the First Sin, but I’m also playing Yoshi's Woolly World, Black Ops 2, Amplitude, and I'm slowly burning through Until Dawn.

What is the most obscure game or rarest game you own?
In terms of most obscure, I have this game called Incredible Crisis for the first PlayStation. I think its original name is Todemo Crisis. It's this super weird collection of these super difficult mini-games. Any time I bring it up to someone, the usual response is that they've never heard of it. It's a ton of fun though and it’s really funny. 

As far as rarest games, I don't have many, but I have a few. A while back I scored a copy of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes for 20 bucks. I have a sealed copy of Super Empire Strikes Back. I don't think that game is rare by any means, but I've never taken it out of the box. I have an original copy of Manhunt before it was pulled from shelves and given an AO rating. 

Unfortunately I went through a period of my life where I sold a good portions of my games off, so I don't have a lot of the games that I used to own that would be considered rare and being a college student constantly leaves me broke. When I do have money, I often choose to put it towards traveling to meet up with friends or check out newer games.

What about video game memorabilia
I need to stop buying Amiibos.

Physical or digital?
Physical all the way. I can't believe there's actually debate about this. Even if I buy a game digitally I will make it an effort to get a physical copy down the road. I think with the most recent Konami scandal with P.T. it should showcase the risk of buying a digital copy of anything. You can own it one day and it could disappear the next. 

Was there ever a genre or series of games you were adamant you would not get in to but ended up enjoying?
I’m not entirely sure it’s a genre, but the “Souls” series was something that I thought would be the dumbest series of games, but I cant stop playing them. I’m not a huge fan of RPGs to begin with and the attitude that people carry about these games can be super annoying. But as of late, they are some of the most fulfilling games I’ve played.

What was the best co op experience you had?
Portal 2 had a co-op mode that was co-op in the truest sense of the word. I spend most of my time playing single player games so I haven’t played many co-op games. I played The Legend of Zelda: Four Sword Adventures on my own and I’ve even played through most of Triforce Heroes on my own.

If you were to have kids would you want them to be in to video games and what would you have them start with?
I thought about this question before and I’m never sure of the answer. I think I’d like to take the approach that my dad did with me. We played so many great games together when we were younger and that was a stepping-stone for me to explore new games. But now a ton of games don’t include split screen co-op because games have become so technically advanced since the Super Nintendo. I think it would be super cool to have those bonding moments.

But on the other hand I’d want my kid to hate video games. I’m not trying to raise a loser or anything.

Do you feel you'll always be playing games in some form?

What's a game series you feel is under appreciated? 
Garrett Hunter from Mega64 talks about The Legacy of Kain series every so often and its always met with strange looks or it illicit the response of “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.” Soul Reaver and Blood Omen were such phenomenal games for the PS1 and PS2. I actually wish they would bring back that series. Soul Reaver 2 was also the first game that I played that had a long cut scene in the beginning of the game that I couldn’t skip and it sort of taught me that video games can be a great platform to tell stories.

Has there ever been a spin off of a series you've enjoyed more than the original series?
Technically Rock Band, but Metal Gear Rising takes the cake for sure on this one. It is so infuriating listening to people drone on about how much they hate Metal Gear Rising because “it ruined metal gear solid” or how “its not a stealth game this is bullshit”. All of that because they couldn’t read the games title to see that it wasn’t a Metal Gear Solid game. Of course its okay to dislike the game for valid reasons, but dismissing it for not being a “solid” game is bullshit. I don’t necessarily like Rising better than Solid, but that game is incredibly gratifying.

Now I know you're a big fan of Movies, Video Game movies have a bad wrap so is there any video game movie you actually enjoy, has there ever been a movie tie-in game you've enjoyed?
I actually have this really sick morbid curiosity when it comes to movie tie in games. Because I know those games have to be complete shit, but that cant be completely broken. I’ve actually had an idea for a series of videos based on movie tie in games that I eventually want to work on.

But to answer the question, there are tons of movie licensed in games and a ton of TV licensed games that I love. I think a lot of them come from the SNES era, but there are still some great ones. Toy Story 1 and 2 both have incredible games to accompany those films. There’s a Pagemaster game that I think is a ton of fun as well. You know, the movie where Macaulay Culkin gets sucked into a book by a wizard? The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie game was so much fun as well. Star Wars has several great games. I think movie tie in games have a bad reputation, but there are some solid ones there. 

What series are you connected with the most?
This is a weird split, but Metal Gear Solid (series) and Pokemon. Pokemon for the reasons I’ve already stated, but Metal Gear for how in depth those games are. Metal Gear Solid just hits me hard with the story and its game play. These games have actually taught me to be extremely patient in video games. I mean, certainly the story of the series has had its ups and downs, but I think the thread of MGS has always been there. The fact that I’m able to carry on hour-long conversations about different theories of what’s happening in these games, should say a lot about how connected I am with these games.

How do rhythm games fare since their resurgence?  
Rhythm games are one of my favorite genres of games. If you’re making a rhythm game, chances are you have to have a dope soundtrack, your game play requires you to think fast and put your hand to eye coordination to the test. Amplitude was just “rereleased” for the PS4 and that alone should show people that rhythm games don’t have to be clones of Rock Band. I love Rock Band, but in that whole 5-year span where everyone had their hand in the “plastic guitar rock music” pot, it became super saturated and boring. 

Now there are games like Crypt of the Necrodancer, Amplitude, Elite Beat Agents, Bit Trip, and even Guitar Hero has understood that these games need a drastic change or need to be drastically different from their competitors to stand alone. Rock Band really tapped into best of the genre and now others need to figure out how to make it their own.

I hope that now that they’re returning that it’s a regular genre of games. Playstation is testing waters to see if people have an interest in Parappa the Rapper by releasing the sequel for the PS4 (which I hope spawns a third game). I hope rhythm games are here to stay. I think they have a shot. Even some of the Tony Hawk games have felt like rhythm games to me at times.

I feel like you secretly knew I had an undying love for rhythm games, and that’s why this question is here. I like this question.

Are there any areas or stories you wish were explored more in games
Dark Souls and Bloodborne have such vast worlds to explore in games that I know I’ll never get to all of those areas. I wish I had more time to go back through Bloodborne and explore more of Cainhurst Castle or the Upper Cathedral Ward, maybe even some of the chalice dungeons. I just don’t have that much time to devote to completing games. Once I’m done with a story, I like to move on to the next.

What game are you most excited for in 2016
Dark Souls 3 for sure. That is hands down the most anticipated games for me this year. But I’m also really excited for The Legend of Zelda Wii U, Ratchet and Clank, hopefully Rise of the Tomb Raider hits PS4 this year, Yooka-Laylee, The Last Guardian, and I’m sure there will be a few more down the road.

How do you feel about video games currently?
I think we’re in a fine state of video games. I think a lot of people get wrapped up in the politics of games a bit too much. Some I find to be incredibly understandable, but then there’s shit like Gamergate where I’m ready to check out. There just seems to be such an incredible sense of entitlement to people who use the word “gamer” to describe themselves that just straight up grosses me out. And that falls on both ends of the spectrum as well. I totally understand and support people that want better things in their games, such as portrayal of women and minority characters. Certainly not all of that is done properly or the way that I would go about discussing it, but I would rather support that than support a group of man-children calling in death threats because a woman spoke ill of the a game they probably mildly like.

Games can be complete shit and handle things poorly, but those things get recognized for being piss poor and eventually get weeded out. At the end of the day the video games I’m playing are fucking fun as hell and if that has indication of the state of games, then I suppose that means we’re doing something right.

Where do you feel video games will go in the future?

I’m excited to see what people do with the VR that isn’t virtual porn games. I think since I’ve been playing video games since I was around 3 or 4 years old that games have only gotten better, that they can only get better. I think we’re on the right track to make that happen. I hope video games become more accessible to more people and that they become learning tools teach kids moral and life lessons. I hope that they become more cinematic and really showcase how powerful a story telling medium it can be, more so than it already has. I hope they become more inclusive to women and minorities. Other wise they belong in the trash. 


I just wanted to thank Ant for this in depth interview and also for his and Marshall's work in putting together a really entertaining podcast that you should totally check out! Fortuna podcast returns on Wednesday the 26th with episodes generally coming out every Wednesday, be sure to follow their Tumblr linked above for updates or Ant on Twitter.